Vishruth Veerendranath, Vibha Masti, Utkarsh Gupta, Hrishit Chaudhuri, Gowri Srinivasa

PES University and Carnegie Mellon University

Pipeline at a Glance

ScripTONES-Page-8.drawio (2).png

Demonstration of the Pipeline with Examples



Video with Music Generated

Scene from The Fault in Our Stars

Music for Scene.mp4

The piano music playing in the background is the music that we have generated using the aforementioned pipeline. EMOPIA’s Compound Word Transformer (EMOPIA-CWT) was used as the conditional music generator

Additional Examples of ScripTONES

The piano music playing in the background is the music that we have generated using the ScripTONES pipeline. The following are the best results obtained using the aforementioned pipeline. EMOPIA’s Compound Word Transformer (EMOPIA-CWT) was used as the conditional music generator. The scenes are from the movie names mentioned above the video.



Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


Star Wars


Sentiment conditioned music generation using MusicVAE

We use attribute vector arithmetic to manipulate latent vectors of music and change the sentiment attributes according to the script or user input.

The sentiment conditioned vector $z_{ec}$ is defined as per the equation below

$$ z_{ec} = \begin{cases} |V| * z_{vh} + |A| * z_{ah} & (V \geq 0, A \geq \alpha)\\ |V| * z_{vh} + |A| * z_{al} & (V \geq 0, A < \alpha)\\ |V| * z_{vl} + |A| * z_{ah} & (V < 0, A \geq \alpha)\\ |V| * z_{vl} + |A|* z_{al} & (V < 0, A < \alpha)\\ \end{cases} $$